Services adapted to all your communication media
// Creation and variation
visual identity
}Each company, each association, each project needs its own, identifiable and effective visual identity, which looks like it, which relays its message and which speaks to its public. I'm here to help you find YOUR image!
}Some creations and adaptations of visuals for print...

// Web design and content management
} The website must of course offer a visual that is in the continuity of the graphic identity of the company, but adapted to the different digital media.
} The text content must also adapt for optimal screen reading.
} I help you to structure your site, write or rewrite your content, and serve it all with a dynamic and attractive visual!

// Book covers, catalogs, brochures
} A book also, whatever it is, needs a visual that serves its content, which makes the public want to go to it in the multitude of often overcrowded shelves. The catalogs and brochures of a company or an association will also have to be up to the task!
} Here are some of those creations...

// Models of books, e-books, catalogs, brochures
} The interior presentation of a book or a brochure is an exercise in style, and rigor, which must serve the text.
} The e-book must be practical to consult, with useful links and easy interactivity.
} Some styles of models...